About the app

«Basic Phone & Contacts» represents the classic Phone and Contacts from Android 14 (AOSP) with its own Caller ID and MNP services connected from «Whose Number».

N.B. The displayed information from Caller ID about the unknown number is based on user reviews and data from various Internet services, always treat it critically, its reliability is unknown. We make every effort to improve the accuracy of the information, but the processing is based on the reviews of various users about the number, so it is often impossible to even assess the reliability, because. interested parties can write reviews about their room themselves, incl. not corresponding to reality. Therefore, always rely on your own opinion and common sense, using these programs as the existing opinion of other users, incl. written, perhaps only by those calling you, to deliberately mislead.

Main peculiar properties of the program:

Terms of Use: open

Privacy Policy: open

Supported Android versions: 8.0-14.0